/BCO-DMO/OA_Effects_of_HighCO2/BactDOC --longitude eq -119.8429-- Level 1

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#  Bacterial use of DOC as a function of pCO2
#  Uta Passow, PI
#    version 28 Nov 2016
experiment    site            latitude    longitude    
OA15          SBC             34.4216     -119.8429    
bottle_number    doc_addition            target_pCO2    time_point    time_days    date          bact_abun_x10e6_avg  bact_abun_x10e6_stderr    bact_abun_x10e6_stdev    toc_avg   toc_stderr    toc_stdev    
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T0            0            2016-01-05    0.21                 0.03                      0.04                     86.39     2             2.83         
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T1            0.79         2016-01-06    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T2            1.18         2016-01-06    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T3            1.81         2016-01-07    2.62                 0.03                      0.04                     69.24     1.31          1.85         
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T4            2.18         2016-01-07    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T5            2.82         2016-01-08    3.78                 0.07                      0.1                      70.79     2.09          2.96         
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T6            3.14         2016-01-08    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T7            4.17         2016-01-09    2.29                 0.04                      0.05                     68.5      1.29          1.82         
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T8            6.09         2016-01-11    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T9            8.16         2016-01-13    nd                   nd                        nd                       66.68     0.12          0.17         
1_2              T. weiss lysate         250            T10           17.05        2016-01-22    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T0            0            2016-01-05    0.25                 0.01                      0.01                     87.06     0.35          0.49         
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T1            0.79         2016-01-06    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T2            1.18         2016-01-06    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T3            1.81         2016-01-07    3.01                 0.02                      0.03                     69.06     0.15          0.21         
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T4            2.18         2016-01-07    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T5            2.82         2016-01-08    3.98                 0.33                      0.47                     69.08     0.8           1.13         
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T6            3.14         2016-01-08    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T7            4.17         2016-01-09    3.84                 0.07                      0.09                     67.29     0.1           0.15         
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T8            6.09         2016-01-11    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd           
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T9            8.16         2016-01-13    nd                   nd                        nd                       63.84     0.67          0.95         
3_4              T. weiss lysate         1500           T10           17.05        2016-01-22    nd                   nd                        nd                       nd        nd            nd